Friday, December 14, 2007

Merry Christmas Andrea!

Hello to everyone out there in Andrea's blogosphere...

This is Shane, Andrea's Husband for the uninitiated, sneaking in this post. Yes, I hacked* my way into Annie blog... but I don't think she'll mind. The site redesign is part of my Christmas gift for her. She has said in the past she wants something that looks nicer than just one of the blogger templates but was not sure what to do with it. I commissioned a very talented friend of ours to create some characters for her to use in her crafts and I thought I could carry that into a redesign of her blog. The characters are actually a series of fun and stylized birds. On one of our many road trips with Frankie we got into a discussion of potential characters for her projects and we thought it would be fun to have a unifying factor but something that would allow for a lot variety. Eventually we all decided that the wonderful word of birds would be a great place to start. Rather them show them all to you here I'll let her reveal them to you over time in her pictures as she begins to create with them. If you want a sneak peek though, take a look at the owl in the side bar and the sparrow chillin' at the bottom of the page.

Anyway I hope you all like the site redesign. It's not much and I'm sure I'll make little tweaks here and there for a while, but it's something new.

I love you Andrea.

*I didn't actually HACK into her blog. I have her password as she has mine, but hacked just sounds cooler.